A F-enomenal Weekend!

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It was a F-enomenal weekend.  How fitting that my first blog contains content that falls under many “F” headings.  Family/Friends/Former colleagues/FAIR (Minnesota State)/Fireworks too.

Let me preface by stating that I HATE Labor Day weekend.  Yes, I truly do.  Traditionally it officially marks the end of summer.  It DEPRESSES me.  It’s not that Fall is such a bad time of year, it’s just that summer is one of my favorite seasons.  Those of us living in the midwest know that Fall is the precursor to the dreaded season.  When I was living in California, the anticipation of Labor Day didn’t seem to have as much of an effect on me. The whole end of summer Labor Day transition just seems so profound in the midwest. And even though contemporary fashionistas say you can still wear white after Labor Day, I’m “old school”.  I will not wear white shoes, pants, shorts or skirts post Labor Day. What that ultimately means is that I must retire all my other summer clothes as well.  The season always seems way too short!

This year, the anticipation of the weekend was dramatically lessened by hosting good friends who visited from the east coast.  Friday began with having the opportunity and pleasure to sit with a friend who is receiving weekly chemotherapy.  (I have a suspicion one of my recurring themes may be writing about my feelings about cancer and reiterating how much I HATE this disease).  Memories flooded back to me just driving by Minneapolis Children’s Hospital en route.  It was exactly 6 years ago, two days after Labor Day in 2008, that I traveled back to Memphis where my daughter’s first chemotherapy at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital was about to begin.  (Yet another bad association with Labor Day weekend). While I’m on the cancer subject, I just feel the need to express how troubled I am about the number of people I currently know or know of who are battling this disease.  Is it just me, or do any of you feel similarly?  I desperately hope this disease is (and I know it’s actually hundreds of diseases each behaving in different ways etc.) ERADICATED in my lifetime.

Friday evening amidst the light showers and humidity, we all set out to the State Fair.  I think the experience alone of introducing native East Coasterners to The Fair is one blog entry in and of itself.  How does one adequately explain carved princess heads made of butter revolving in a glass case? One must see it to get the full effect. I found it comforting to know that even though it has been over ten years since I’ve been to The Fair, so much remains the same. This includes my Fair food favorites. This year I finally tried a bite of a deep fried twinkie.  It wasn’t bad!  And even though the MIDWAY remains largely the same, what I had forgotten was how very much I love it!  The scary ride laugh and scream thing was particularly gratifying!!!  Surely, screaming and laughing full force must have some psychological/emotional benefits.










Saturday we gathered former work colleagues who have become friends and hosted a dinner party.  If there’s one thing that can elevate my spirits, it’s a party!

And for Sunday, the finale for the weekend included seeing a festive fireworks display over Lake Minnetonka at nightfall.  This was one truly memorable Labor Day weekend spent with family and friends. I would happily repeat every Labor Day weekend similarly!

“Happiness is pretty simple: Someone to love, something to do, something to look forward to.”- Rita Mae Brown

I have many people whom I love. I have a lot to do lately and a lot to look forward to, including an upcoming girl trip to NYC for Fall Fashion Week that I am looking forward to writing about. Therefore, in conclusion,  I must be feeling happiness.  For the most part, I guess I am!

Has anyone else taken “outsiders” to the Fair?  If so, what did the outsiders think of it? (Our “outsiders” had a ball but I’m pretty sure that they won’t feel any desire to return any time soon).

What are YOU looking forward to this FALL? I’d love to hear!


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