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Farewell, Finale, Finally a Finish to my Friday “F” Words for now. I may be Feeling Forlorn but hoping the Future will be Full of other blog possibilities!

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Dear Berit’s Bits Blog Readers, (I intended to post this yesterday-Friday, but alas, time got away from me..) Today I have decided to Finally end my weekly Friday “F” Word blogs. I have officially posted 53 blogs and according to my web statistics as of this afternoon, I have had 12,380 views over the past 50+ weeks. Although I was not “discovered” as a brilliant writer (as I’d secretly fantasized) at least if offered me […]

Feminism! Are you a Feminist? I am!

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After 40+ blog posts while rapidly approaching my 52 week goal of posting a weekly “F” word post, you might imagine my choices for “F” words have been significantly reduced.  Upon scanning the “F” list I composed over a year ago, I ran across the word feminism and became interested in exploring this topic further. Being a child of the 60’s and growing up in a traditional home, I have tended to think of feminists […]