Have you ever wanted to FLY? I have an older sister and an older brother (a younger brother too) who talked about their desire to Fly throughout the duration of their respective childhoods. I remember both of them Frequently recounting their vivid Flying dreams. I Felt deprived and was Fascinated at the same time because I never had those dreams. I pondered the possibility that their imaginations were much vaster than mine. I wondered if it was because they watched more Saturday morning cartoons than I did? I never Figured out why I couldn’t have the same Flying dreams as a kid. Oh well. Over the years since my Fleeting childhood, I have definitely dreamed I’ve been Flying in airplanes but never solo in mid air. Recently one of my best Friends did the REAL skydiving experience with two of her children. She thoroughly loved it!!! I’ve considered trying it but not sure I am THAT brave? (Yet). In the meantime, I had another way less stressful and much more FUN experience I’m excited to tell you about.
Last weekend I had the opportunity to be aboard the “Quantum of the Seas” Royal Carribean cruise ship that was officially christened that day. The company my husband works for (DREAMWORKS-Animation) has an alliance with the cruise ship.
Manhattan Skyline from Bayonne Bay in New Jersey where the ship is docked
As a result, we were invited on board for a two-day excursion last weekend and allowed to experience all the ship/cruise had to offer. The ship certainly has many Fabulous things to be WOWED by. Including restaurants, shows, spa (I experienced one of the best massages I’ve ever had in my life aboard it) a casino and even a “Bionic Bar” (See Video and pic) among other things.
Kristen Chenoweth-Designated “GodMother” of the Quantum of the Seas Ship and part of official ship christening entertainment.
That said, I thought the coolest group activity was participating in a skydiving simulation experience called I-fly. For those reading who are interested in a more thorough explanation of what this is, where you can try it and how it works, check out the Following link:
Here are a few pictures and a video of my iFly experience (only about a minute and a half) kindly recorded by one of my husband’s colleagues aboard the ship:
Dreamworks Flying Team post Flights
So, if you think it looks interesting and if you’re like me and not quite ready to do the real skydiving thing, you may want to try this exhilarating alternative. I think the locations on land are abundant and not so exceedingly spendy. Have FUN! I had a blast and a half!!! I no longer have to regret not having dreams of Flying for I was able to Fly in real life for a little over a minute.
Have any of you actually sky dived or Flown in one of these vertical wind tunnels? I’d love to hear your stories!
*Having technical difficulties posting my LINKS- will try to fix so that one may click on them and get to respective sites later!
Sounds like you had a FUN adventure, Berit!! I enjoy Flying, but not outside the plane… too Freaky for me! LOL The i-Fly experience definitely sounds doable.
I hope you and your Family have a Festive Thanksgiving celebration – enjoy the Feast!
You look great in your Chanel jacket. It was made for you!
Happy Thanksgiving
Thanks Cheryl! I still feel it was quite THE Find! I need to photograph it for the blog. I LOVE it. I am now into down and fur however, given the Frigid temps here. Au Revoir!